Category: Airports
VSGC Programs
Did you know that VSGC offers programs and scholarships for students and faculty from middle school all the way to graduate school? We also offer opportunities for educators. Download an interactive pdf here to learn more.
Pathways Flight Academies
VSGC, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Virginia, Liberty University, Averett University and the Virginia Department of Aviation, is offering flight academies for selected high school students statewide.
ACRP Design Competition 2018 – 2019 Opens
The ACRP is sponsoring the University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs for U.S.-based undergraduate and/or graduate students to design innovative solutions that address airport issues.
ACRP Design Competition Winners, 2018
The Transportation Research Board’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) recently selected winners for its University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs.