Student Research Conference


The annual VSGC Student Research Conference showcases student scholars from UVA, Virginia Tech, ODU, William & Mary, and Hampton University. It is a day devoted to STEM research and celebration of our student research scholars accomplishments.

Photographs of the 2022 Student Research Conference

VSGC Student Research Conference

Any questions can be directed to Veronica Warwick

Student Research Conference will be held in April, 2024


Holiday Inn Newport News Hampton

980 Omni Blvd

Newport News, Va. 23606


Student Research Conference 2023 Overview

Here is the Agenda for the 2024 Student Research Conference for all those that attended.

SRC 2023 Agenda

2023-24 Scholarship and Fellowship Awardees:

Listing of the scholarship and fellowship recipients are listed here.

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Flickr album of the event 

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