Do you have dreams of one day becoming a commercial airline pilot and traveling the
world? The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC), in partnership with the
Commonwealth of Virginia, Liberty University, Averett University and the Virginia
Department of Aviation, is offering flight academies at no cost for high school students

The Pathways Flight Academies will immerse students in learning to fly while discovering
the range of exciting aviation career opportunities available. Four, two-week
residential academies will be offered during the summer of 2019 for selected students
who have shown an interest in and passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, or
Math (STEM), and have career aspirations to become a pilot. Students admitted to this
intensive program will undertake ground school and flight training that can culminate in
their first solo flight at the end of the academy!

Read the press release here.

Visit the Pathways Flight Academies website here.