GeoTEd-UAS Faculty Partner Featured by National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT)

National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT) released a feature piece on Shawn Sheilds Lyons, Professor of Chemistry, Germanna Community College, and a Co-PI of GeoTEd-UAS.

In the piece, Lyons recants her experiences, successes, and failures that led her to where she is today.When asked about her involvement with GeoTEd-UAS, she had this to say.

“I am now a Co-PI on the newest NSF-ATE grant “Improving Pathways Into the Geospatial and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technician Workforce (GeoTEd-UAS).” I am so excited to work with the rest of the team, and I have already learned so much about applying and working on a grant project. I am the least experienced with UAS on the team, which puts me in a great position to deepen my existing knowledge in this field.”

The full piece can be found at