On June 24, 2022 the VSGC completed week 1 of the Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) Summer Academy. 63 students from high schools all over Virginia participated. Students had the opportunity to work at NASA Langley Research Center including tours of the Landing and Impact Research Facility “Gantry”, the Fabrication Lab, and model shop and even saw a demonstration of the “ISAAC” robot. They also attended talks from NASA engineers and Space Shuttle astronaut Dr. Roger Crouch.
A main goal of the VASTS academy was for the students to design a human mission to Mars. Students split into teams necessary to complete the mission. They had to manage scarce resources and teams had to communicate to accomplish the primary objective. Each team then had to present their work to a Mission Design Review Panel made up of NASA Langley Research Center representatives.
If you are interested in the VASTS program you can find out more VASTS Main Page