Virginia Space Grant Consortium Internal Solicitation for Innovative Proposals for 2021

The Virginia Space Grant Consortium has about $80,000 total in program funding for member-led
innovative project awards. We anticipate making 8 to 10 awards from this funding pool. We would
like to solicit proposals for innovative projects in higher education, pre-college education, or informal
education where a small grant would make a difference.

Areas of interest for this solicitation include:

  • Programs that include activities related to NASA’s Artemis Mission for Moon and Mars
  • Programs relating to Earth System Science that use data from NASA missions
  • Summer research experiences for undergraduate students
  • Service-learning experiences for undergraduate students, including but not limited to those
    that might involve Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles
  • Teacher Professional Development programs


Other STEM education projects that align well with VSGC and NASA goals will also be considered.
Funding for faculty research is not an area of consideration for this solicitation. VSGC offers the New
Investigator Program ( and qualified researchers should consider that opportunity which is
separately due on January 22.

Here are the caveats for Innovation Project Proposals:

  • You must be a faculty or staff member at a Consortium member institution to request funding
    but can partner with external organizations. Community colleges are considered members
    through the Virginia Community College System. Proposals will be accepted from the Virginia
    Department of Education as a member but not from individual school systems.
  • You must be able to fully spend and account for any awarded funds by December 31, 2021. We
    anticipate making awards by the end of February 2021 so the period of performance for your
    proposal can include the March 1 to December 31, 2021 time period.
  • A final project report is required and guidelines for reporting will be provided at the time of the
  • We ask that proposers include appropriate planning for any limitations that might persist
    relating to COVID into the spring or summer semesters.

Your proposal should consist of a 2- to 3-page proposal and a budget. Though the proposal is short, be
sure to include sufficient detail for reviewer evaluation. The proposal budget and references are not
part of the proposal page count. Be sure to provide full contact information for the Principal
Investigator or Project Manager and a two-page resume for that individual. A brief description of
credentials for other lead personnel can be included in your proposal. For university projects selected,
we will make the award back through your Sponsored Program Office at the time of the award.
Funding will be provided at the time of the award. You will need to account for all expenditures and
return any remaining funds by January 31, 2022.

For budgets, no indirect costs are permitted per Space Grant policy. We also have to follow NASA
guidelines for Space Grant funding. Funds may not be used to purchase equipment. Matching funding
is not required but will be accepted if offered.

Submit your proposals to by January 22, 2021. We plan to make selections and awards
within 2 weeks of the deadline so we can get funding out to you in a timely way for spring or summer
activities. We look forward to receiving your proposals. Please email Mary Sandy ( or Chris Carter ( at
emails noted above if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing your innovative project