Student Research Conference

The annual Student Research Conference showcases student scholars from UVA, Virginia Tech, ODU, William & Mary, and Hampton University. It is a day devoted to STEM research and a celebration of our scholars’ accomplishments.

Date: April 22, 2025
Location: Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23669

2024-25 Scholarship and Fellowship Awardees:
Current scholarship and fellowship recipients are listed here.

VSGC recently held the Student Research Conference in Hampton, Virginia. Students from colleges all over Virginia gathered to share and learn. A total of 33 Graduate Research Fellows and 13 Undergraduate Research Scholars presented the results of their research funded by the Virginia Space Grant Consortium.
The colleges represented included Hampton University, Old Dominion University, William & Mary, Virginia Tech, and University of Virginia.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Scott Bailey of Virginia Tech. His lecture was on “Probing the Polar Winter to Understand How Space Weather Couples the Whole Atmosphere”.
Each Graduate Fellow delivered a ten-minute oral presentation followed by a five-minute question and answer session. Graduate Fellow presentations were organized around research areas such as Aerospace, Structures and Materials, Applied Physics, Astrophysics/Planetary Science, Applied Science and more. Undergraduate Scholars provided poster presentations to attendees during two thirty-minute sessions.