Airport Operation and Maintenance

Airport Operation and Maintenance

The following documents will be of interest to participants in the Airport Operation and Maintenance Technical Design Challenge:

    • Airfield Asphalt Pavement Technology Program
      Info on AAPTP, whose mission is to deliver applied research on asphalt airfield pavements that provides high-quality, cost-effective asphalt pavements. Research projects focus on improving the quality of hot mix asphalt (HMA), reducing costs, improving safety, and providing training on HMA materials.
  • Innovative Pavement Research Foundation
    Info on IPRF, whose mission is to provide a unified means of building resources, developing strategies, and implementing programs to address concrete pavement research, technology advancement and transfer, and public education on the inherent economic efficiencies, safety, and quality-of-life advantages of portland cement concrete pavements for highways, streets, roads, and airports.