Scholarships and Fellowships

The Virginia Space Grant Consortium offers scholarships and research fellowships. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in STEM fields at VSGC member institutions (Hampton University, Old Dominion University, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and William & Mary) are eligible to apply.
The Community College STEM Scholarship provides a one-year, non-renewable award of $2,000 for students enrolled full time during the award period at one of Virginia’s Community Colleges. Students must be majoring in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) field and be interested in pursuing a career that supports NASA’s mission including careers in the aerospace sector. Allied Health Sciences majors are not eligible for this program.
The Virginia Space Grant Consortium provides STEM Bridge Scholarships of $1,000 to students who will be sophomores or juniors. Students from any federally recognized minority group in STEM enrolled full-time in a STEM program at one of the five Virginia Space Grant member universities are strongly encouraged to apply. Allied Health Science majors are not eligible for this program.
The VSGC Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship Program provides awards of up to $8,500 to rising juniors and seniors who are enrolled full-time in a program of study in STEM and have a specific faculty-mentored research project that has NASA or aerospace relevance. Allied Health Sciences majors are not eligible for this program.
The Virginia Space Grant Consortium Graduate Research STEM Fellowship Program provides fellowships of $6,000 in add-on support to graduate students to supplement and enhance basic research support. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a program of study STEM and have a specific faculty-mentored research project that has NASA or aerospace relevance. Allied Health Sciences majors are not eligible for this program.