Is late work accepted, or can I resubmit assignments?

Online Course – Scholar

Late work is accepted with a grade penalty. The course requirements and syllabus detail the number of points deducted per day. Caution: if you are more than two modules behind (that is one month!), those late assignments will not be accepted, and you will receive “zeroes.”


For instance, if Module 7 assignments are due on a Sunday and you’ve only submitted assignments for Modules 1 through 3, then you MAY NOT submit module 4 assignments. However, you can still submit Modules 5 and 6 and Module 7 assignments by the same Sunday.


You may resubmit assignments based on the feedback the Master Teacher gives you. You must communicate with your Master Teacher to agree on a date by which you will resubmit the assignment. After that date, if you have not resubmitted, then you will receive the original grade. If you resubmitted, the two grades would be averaged together for your final grade on the assignment. Final grades will not be replaced.