High school juniors and seniors from across Virginia have the opportunity to participate in the the Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars program. They will be engaged in an interactive on-line science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning experience as well as a seven-day residential summer academy at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in Hampton, Virginia. Students selected to participate in the program are immersed in NASA-related research through interaction with scientists, engineers and technologists.


Student links

Application instructions

Important dates

NASA Langley education

On-site academy

The VASTS experience

Apply here





For more information, please contact:

Mr. Ian Cawthray, VASTS Education Program Coordinator icawthra@odu.edu
Ms. Priscilla Hill, VASTS Program Specialist aphill@odu.edu
Ms. Rudo Kashiri, VASTS Program Manager rkashiri@odu.edu

Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars

Fall 2023 Deadlines

Deadline for application submission: October 24


Deadline for supporting materials: October 26


Online course module opens: November 27

Quick links

Summer Academy videos:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3