History of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium

In 1987, a joint congressional study panel met to address a number of issues facing the aerospace industry and the Nation, among them a looming shortage of workers prepared for a high tech workforce and a decline in scholastic achievement, especially in the disciplines of math and science.  Congress was also concerned with building research infrastructure at our Nation’s institutions of higher education.  Congress passed legislation in 1988 which established the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.  The Virginia Space Grant Consortium received its designation from NASA in 1989. You can visit NASA’s National Space Grant website here.


Board of Directors

Dr. Timothy Sands, Chair
President, Virginia Polytechnic and State University

Dr. Peter Blake 
Director, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

JoAnn Haysbert
Chancellor and Provost, Hampton University

Dr. William R. Harvey
President, Hampton University

Dr. Brian O. Hemphill
President, Old Dominion University

Dave Hudson
Senior Associate Vice President for Research

Dennis Manos
President, Hampton University

Dr. Sharon Morrissey
Chancellor, Virginia Community College System

James E. Ryan
President, University of Virginia

Dr. Katherine A. Rowe
President, William & Mary

Robert Stolle
President and CEO, CIT Building

Van Wilson
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services